CORGI Fenestration is proud to support Front Foot who offer services and support to military personnel
We are all aware of the problems in recruiting new blood into the construction sector, and in particular fenestration, and the difficulties in finding suitable candidates. CORGI Fenestration are pleased to have teamed up with FrontFoot to promote a pathway for recruitment of military personnel and their families giving you a direct access to a previously untapped resource.
There are challenges for both potential employees and employers with the transition from military to civilian life with reports of appointments being unsuccessful. The additional support provide by Front Foot can help. FrontFoot is unique in its offering in that it provides an amazing level of support not only to the military personnel and their families but also to the employers to help ensure that the appointments are successful and long lasting.
Potential career paths could include conventional installation and surveying of windows and doors but also engineering, sales, marketing, administration, project management, finance. In fact, the list is endless when considering where military personnel and their families could add value to an organisation.
We believe this is an ideal opportunity to not only introduce a new audience to the fenestration sector, and to the range of positions and careers available, but also to tap into an existing skilled workforce.
More about FrontFoot

Our Aim
The aim of FrontFoot.Jobs is to level the playing field when it comes to finding work, keeping work and making the transition to civilian life.
Free To Use
The FrontFoot.Jobs website is free for all members of the veteran family including currently serving personnel, veterans, reservists and, vitally, their families. This unique focus finally gives employers absolutely instant clarity that every application from FrontFoot.Jobs is from the community.
Adopt, Adapt and Improve
It is no secret that the veteran community houses some of the hardest working, highest trained people in the workforce. They are willing to adopt, adapt and overcome when they need to cross train (either in the forces or civvy street). Therefore, it can’t be surprising that employers, large and small are keen to get their jobs out to this community through FrontFoot.Jobs.
A New Concept
FrontFoot.Jobs is a completely new concept which allows any veteran community member (including their family) to be seen and heard regardless how well they can write a CV or search the internet for jobs.
The Role of FrontFoot.Jobs is the tip of the iceberg for FrontFoot’s offering. The magic happens in the transition package. Every veteran community member who is hired through FrontFoot.Jobs is personally assigned a transition partner through our FrontFoot Life charity. FrontFoot Life partners have made the transition themselves, so they not only understand what they are going through but they speak their language. The FrontFoot Life charity transition support is not a tick box exercise but an individually tailored support plan for 12 months from the date the candidate starts work.
Candidate & Transition Support
Getting a job is the first step to rebuilding the confidence often lost when going from order to the chaos of civvy street. Having a transition support partner means that confidence is supported in the long term. All we need is the candidates to inform us they got hired through to get one of our FrontFoot Life transition partners assigned to them.
The support available to transition partners comes from both internal and external sources which can literally take the gun out of the mouth of some people. Instant, anonymous mental health support is available 24/7 through our incredible charity partners and the NHS have made available resources for mental health support. Finance companies are working with us to help people budget and reduce debt burden. Alcohol and substance abuse councillors (nobody wants to talk about this but it’s a genuine problem) and much more.
Employer Support
We are lucky to have such tremendous support from employers up and down the country who have all agreed to allow our FrontFoot Life transition partners access to their new recruit and their immediate line manager for a period of 12 months.
If you would like to know more or are interested in using FrontFoot Jobs for your recruitment, then have a look at the websites or contact Tim O’Keefe who can explain further the philosophy behind this offering.
Tim O’Keefe
07803 139 339